4755 Mercantile Ave.
#16 Naples, Florida 34104
Office: (941) 643-7345
Fax: (941) 643-7756
Lic. # CGC 56831
Email: info@consel.net


A.B. Chance Helical Pier Foundation System

The A.B. Chance Helical Pier Foundation System is a patented stabilizing system, offering a technically superior and more cost effective alternative for stabilizing a structure. The concept is founded on the principle of turning a screw anchor into subsoil strata until the torque applied indicates the necessary load capacity has been achieved.

There are 3 effective applications for the A.B. Chance system:

A. Underpinning of an existing foundation to support the foundation and or interior floors
B. New construction to incorporate a load bearing pile.
C. Tie Backs for seawalls and retaining walls.

This is a "NEIGHBOR FRIENDLY" system.


Minimal access of area is needed to incorporate any of these applications