Come on in, the water's fine -- for fishing! Yes, the temperate waters
of the Gulf of Mexico provide a good year-round environment for a large
number of catchable fish species. Whether your preference is fishing
offshore over the wrecks or stalking lunkers in the backwaters, there's
plenty of room for fishing in solitude.
Naples has many experienced guides to help you catch that trophy. But
if you want to explore on your own, there also are plenty of marinas
and tackle shops for boat rentals, tackle and advice. And, if you would
prefer, there are places where you can fish without a boat. Some of
the more popular spots are our rivers and the Naples Pier. Many people
also fish the canals , especially where and when the tidal currents
are relatively strong. The beaches can also be productive, especially
at dawn and at dusk. Whether your preferred technique is fly, spin,
plug or bait, you will enjoy fine fishing in a great environment.