A PPP account from Internet Connection USA, as well as the following information:
Step 1: Verify that Dial-up Networking is Installed
Press the button,
select Settings..., then Control Panel. Double-click the
Add/Remove Programs icon. Select the Windows Setup tab, then
click on the Communications option and press Details....
Make sure that the Dial-up Networking option is selected (the
boxe have to be checked).
If it is, go on to step 2. If it isn't, select it and click OK. Windows 95 will attempt to install the needed drivers, so make sure you've got your installation Disks or CD Windows 95 handy!
If your System requires Names for Networks Identification just fill out the window . Look at example bellow:
Now that Dial-up Networking is installed, you can proceed to step 2.
Press the button,
select Settings..., then Control Panel. Double-click the
Network icon. Make sure the Configuration tab is selected.
Client for Microsoft Networks, Dial-Up Adapter and TCP/IP
should be present, then you're ready to proceed to step 3
To add the Client for Microsoft Networks, hit the Add... button, double-click on Client, select Microsoft then Client for Microsoft Networks.
To add the Dial-Up Adapter, hit the Add... button, double-click Adapter, then scroll down the list until you can select Microsoft. Choose the Dial-Up Adapter and hit OK.
If you need to install TCP/IP, hit the Add... button, double-click Protocol, then select Microsoft, then TCP/IP, and hit OK.
Now your Network dialog box should contain Client for Microsoft Networks, Dial-Up Adapter and TCP/IP as bellow :
Select the adapter, click Properties..., Bindings, and make sure the TCP/IP box is checked.
You're now ready to proceed to Step 3.